The Brief
Following an alternate history of 1983, this project explores a world in which the Cold War boiled over into a catastrophic conflict between the Soviet Bloc and NATO. Culminating in NATO Exercise Able Archer, the events of the early 80’s have led some historians to describe 1983 as the most dangerous year in the Cold War. It takes soberingly little imagination to picture a chain of events spiralling into a third World War.
As a transitional period for new military technologies, coupled with rich pop culture nostalgia, this setting is fertile ground for a combined-arms multiplayer shooter game, akin to DICE’s class-based Battlefield franchise. The ultimate goal of this project was to design a variety of character customisation options, while keeping each class visually distinct and recognisable. Focusing on the British forces that might have fought in a 'limited' war preceding nuclear escalation, I drew inspiration from thorough research into the real history behind my fictional scenario.
Class Conceptualisation
In class-based shooters, players choose from a roster of pre-defined loadouts, each with a unique gameplay niche. I began the design process by considering the in-game role of each class, their abilities and synergies. By listing keywords and associated kit I began to differentiate the player experience and core fantasy of each class.